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Why OpenTable Data Is Important For Hospitality Businesses

OpenTable data for business is one of the most important factors why the app is phenomenal in its ability to attract hospitality businesses as well as diners. The importance of OpenTable could be seen most substantially during the 2019-2021 period that was plagued by the Covid pandemic and almost brought the hospitality industry to a standstill.

Real-time data from the app showed businesses how different parts of the world were facing a decline in customers. However, OpenTable data has a much richer use than just offering passive information. Restaurants like you can study this sea of unstructured customer reviews through a user-friendly sentiment analysis platform that is driven by incredible machine learning-driven algorithms, and gain tremendous insights from it.

What Is The Business Importance Of Opentable Data?

OpenTable data is very valuable to a business in hospitality due to its ability to give you clear insights. All you need is an astute, intelligent, customer sentiment analysis solution and you can harness all the benefits of OpenTable data for business in just a few clicks. Below are ten such ways in which OpenTable data puts you at an advantage.

1. Analyze guest intent and preferences

The most important thing you can do with OpenTable data is get fine-grained details about guest preferences, what their motivations are, and what their intent is when they come to your website or app. Michelin star ratings can give numerical stats that can help you gain new clientele and

maintain your rankings. But reviews and comments can give precious insights, if they are analyzed using a machine learning platform for customer feedback, and tell you how exactly you can get your next star.

These models can be trained and customized to your exact offerings so that you don’t get a general assessment of fine-dining business aspects but aspects that are exactly matching to your particular restaurant.

2. Discover data patterns to forecast revenue

You can discover industry trends from your data and forecast revenues for different time periods. This allows you the benefit of planning for the future while keeping a tab on changing sentiment drivers amongst your customers.

Fine dining is after all more than just haute cuisine. Attention to detail and sensory factors play a big role in attracting the right customers. A sentiment analysis platform helps you track and measure these.

Thus, the ability of a machine learning solution to extract intelligence from scattered and shapeless data and find patterns in it can give you an edge to future-proof your business and plan better.

3. Comparative analysis with competitors

Knowing how you measure up against your competitors is an important element in ensuring the longevity of your business. Just as you can get insights about your own brand and business, you can do the same from publicly available reviews and comments about your competitors.

Highly sophisticated named entity recognition (NER) capabilities, such as those that Repustate’s sentiment analysis solution has, can extract competitor brand names, locations, and other important information from your own data too. This enables the tool to do a comparative analysis and tell you where you stand versus them.

4. Get marketing and advertising insights

Data-driven marketing strategies are more effective than those that are run based on historical achievements. Markets are dynamic, human preferences keep changing, and unforeseen events can make or break a business. Having customer-driven insights from OpenTable data can point you in the right direction with regard to your advertising content, brand voice, and growth strategy.

5. Strategize brand nurturing to improve visibility

Insights from brand experience analysis that a sentiment analysis solution can extract from OpenTable data can be invaluable to your marketing strategy. You can get insights that can tell you how in tune you are with your target audience, what they expect from you, and what you can do to increase your brand perception.

6. Analyze not only reviews but in-app surveys

You can analyze not only reviews on OpenTable but also any in-app surveys that you may like to run for additional information. It can also include cross-promotional content on other social media channels such as Facebook. You can get insights from TikTok insights or Instagram social listening, and at the same time leverage open-ended responses that customers leave on your website.

Intelligent systems like Repustate’s sentiment analysis solution for customer feedback can assess both text data as well as social video to give you rich insights from multiple channels. This means that you can use the same platform to analyze OpenTable data as well as Google reviews or Twitter feeds.

7. Improve guest experience more effectively

Guest experience matters right from the moment someone opens the OpenTable app, till the time they ask for the check and request the valet to bring their vehicles around. When OpenTable data is processed through comprehensive sentiment analysis steps, it allows you to take into account the entire customer journey. It helps you develop personalized loyalty programs, offers, and deals, which help you further build meaningful customer relationships.

8. Plan employee shifts and optimize them

OpenTable data for businesses allows restaurants to plan their operations more efficiently and smoothly. They can find filters that allow them to gauge a pattern in periods that are busy and light. This allows managers to plan employee shifts, as well as help employees, manage their work loads more efficiently.

This ensures that customers don’t have long wait times during peak hours and employees don’t feel overwhelmed and stressed out. In a nutshell, OpenTable data is valuable to you not only from a customer perspective but also from an employee standpoint.

9. Multilingual insights

Reviews are written many times in languages that have similar scripts. That’s why it’s not uncommon to see Italian, French, or Spanish comments sprinkled amidst English reviews on OpenTable and other review websites. OpenTable data thus can give you an in-depth peek into how customers from different countries and backgrounds feel about their experience at your establishment. This is very important if you are a chain or simply if you are located in a rich and diverse city.

If you have multiple locations spread across the world, you can get reviews in non-Germanic languages such as Mandarin, Arabic, or Turkish. A sentiment analysis tool with native speech taggers can read and analyze each language without translations and give you deep insights without needing translations.

10. Get aspect-based insights to improve operations

Having an overall, holistic view of your popularity is great but it doesn’t really give you insight into what exactly you can do to improve your positive sentiment. Aspect-based sentiment analysis insights harnessed from your OpenTable data give you this advantage. You can know exactly what you can improve, what you are doing right, and how you can ensure that your dining experience is par excellence.

How Do You Choose The Best Tool for OpenTable Data Sentiment Analysis?

There are some important things you should consider when deciding which OpenTable data sentiment analysis you should choose, such as:

1. High-precision NLP capability

This catalyzes accuracy as the model can recognize not just official grammar but also colloquialisms, idioms, phrases, code-switching, social media abbreviations, and lingo, as well as emojis and hashtags.

2. Aspect-based sentiment analysis

This allows you to gain specific information through customer experience analysis and know exactly what diners like or dislike.

3. Multilingual capability

Multilingual data analysis through native NLP ensures you get high-quality insights without diluting your data with translations.

4. Entity recognition and extraction

Entity recognition and extraction allows you competitor insights and takes into account spelling mistakes of important names of places, brands, people, and the like.

5. Sentiment trend

You can see patterns and trends emerging in the data based on different time periods.

6. Granular data categorization

This enables you to analyze sentiment according to different criteria such as languages, customer demographics, and data sources.

7. Speed and scalability

The model should give quick insights and be infinitely scalable so it can keep up with your business environment.

8. Customizable, and Use-friendly

The OpenTable sentiment analysis platform should allow you to modify your metadata and aspects, as well as set alerts to track negative mentions and such.

Learn more.


Cutting-edge customer feedback analysis through an AI-powered sentiment mining platform ensures that all your OpenTable data is intelligently gathered and analyzed to give impeccable customer insights.

Repustate’s customer experience analysis solution enables you to use these customer-driven insights for effective strategies for business development and higher brand value. It is available in 23 languages and can be on-prem or on the Cloud.

Get the most out of your investment in your business, people, and customer satisfaction efforts with the help of enriched machine lead algorithms that get smarter and smarter with time.

Learn more about how Repustate can help you make sense of your customer reviews using OpenTable API and give you invaluable insights for increased revenue.

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