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Humanizing The Workplace With Employee Experience Analytics

Employee experience analytics empowers companies to focus on a more human-centric approach towards building a thriving corporate culture. From developing better hybrid work models to meaningful reward programs, humanizing the workplace comprises many facets. In this blog, we draw attention to eight powerful ways in which you can develop data-driven strategies to humanize the workplace and bring out the best in your employees.

What Does Humanizing The Workplace Mean?

Acknowledging and recognizing that your employees are people with feelings is the first step towards humanizing the workplace.

An office can become a very mechanical space where everything is about completing tasks and being accountable for them. But the fact of the matter is that people spend a major part of their waking hours in an office. They experience several major life-events during their tenure at an organization including marriages, the birth of their children, their first home, or even the death of a loved one.

Humanizing the workplace means that companies are aware of these realities while developing corporate policies and employee experience strategies.

An Evolving Corporate Culture

For a long time, corporate culture was seen as one being about dress codes and corner offices. But this has changed with evolving work styles as has been seen during the covid pandemic. Ideal office culture today includes important etiquettes such as no emails after work hours, hassle-free vacation policies, taking sexual and workplace harassment concerns seriously, and other such humanizing experiences.

An employee experience analytics platform plays a vital role in this area as it brings out the importance of the voice of the employee. It empowers you to capture crucial EX insights to build an ideal corporate culture that is human-centric. These humanistic policies also help you significantly in building an impactful employer brand.

8 Powerful Ways EX Analytics Drives Humanizing The Workplace

1. Focus on employee experience

One of the most impactful ways you can make your office more human-centric is by listening to employee voices. This is very important to encourage engagement as you navigate changes in your organization and business strategies. Happy employees display increased productivity. AI and machine learning can service pertinent insights by analyzing sentiment in employee experience analytics data across timelines. Thus allowing you to maintain a positive work atmosphere in a sustainable fashion.

2. Make work purposeful

Even the most interesting work can become mundane and burdensome when employees feel no joy or sense of satisfaction in it. One way to avoid this is to make sure that workplaces are not just about completing daily tasks but that employees get the big picture of what they are contributing to.

Regular cross-organizational meetings, team gatherings, and inter-team work sessions help employees get to know each other’s contributions and lead to closer work relationships. EX analytics helps in this by showing you aspect emotion co-occurrence data to tell you which areas in work employees find fruitful and which they feel are redundant.

3. Avoid the pitfalls of workplace tokenism

Workforce diversity is a hot topic and an important one. But it can be easy to fall into the trap of tokenism, where even the most qualified employee feels that they have been recruited only to fulfill a diversity quota and not really for what they are capable of doing. Tokenism at work happens at all levels of seniority. Many important women and people of color have related their experience of tokenism, even though their companies maintain otherwise. This can result not only as a sour experience for an employee but also bad PR for the company. Sentiment analysis of qualitative employee experience analytics allows you to dodge these scenarios as well as hire the best talent.

4. Develop meaningful recognition programs

Insights from an AI-driven employee experience platform give you a snapshot of what your employees like and dislike, their motivations, aspirations, and expectations from you. This is a goldmine of knowledge that you can use to develop meaningful reward and recognition programs that are relevant to all levels of your employees.

Apart from bonuses, many companies adopt social recognition campaigns in their strategy, whilst others offer vacations, cash rewards and even sponsor higher studies. Gain accurate and efficient insights from an EX sentiment analysis dashboard to know what mix is the best for your organization.

5. Drive mentoring and connections

Use employee experience analytics to drive mentoring opportunities in your organization and build internal stakeholder partnerships. Employees appreciate the chance to be coached for more responsibilities and promotions. EX analytics can guide you throughout the employee coaching and mentoring process to ensure that their progress is on track and they are satisfied with the program.

6. Build Trust

It is important to drive growth through change. But the thing about change is that it tends to bring up feelings of distrust, and promotes the grapevine. And since the grapevine is based on informal communication, it is prevalent throughout the organizations at all authority levels.

This is why HR departments need to check on employee sentiment frequently through supportive engagement so that there is a continued feeling of trust between employees and the management. An EX platform allows you to analyze all types of feedback data including gifs and emojis shared in survey answers through its video content analysis feature.

7. Create better teams and leaders through self-awareness

Employee experience analytics can give you meaningful insights for humanizing the workplace - a vital one being increased self-awareness amongst teams and leaders. Training and development programs are mostly built on self-awareness assessments so that employees and managers become aware of their emotional triggers.

It also makes them cognizant of their strengths and weaknesses such as unconscious bias, conflict management capabilties, etc. All this in a bid to increase efficiency and productivity. However, a study across 357,000 people, showed that self-reported assessments based on self-knowledge can be completely off the charts.

Talent development practices are expensive. And so to get the most out of them, you need to analyze external data along with self-assessment data so that inaccurate perceptions are not reinforced. This can be achieved through a qualitative analysis of a 360-degree assessment and external data from employee review platforms such as Glassdoor, Indeed, LinkedIn, and such.

8. Build a thriving community

A sense of community builds loyalty and reduces attrition in employees. It leads to everyone in the organization experiencing a positive and happier work environment. A sentiment Analysis API lets you dive deep into employee dynamics so that you can figure out what you can do to build effective programs to nurture better corporate communities.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives such as literacy movements, green initiatives, soup kitchens, charities, etc. are great examples of building a deeper connection within teams and inspiring a sense of community.

Transform The Workplace With Repustate Employee Experience Analytics

There is a close relationship between employee experience and an impactful brand experience. A study conducted by MIT Sloan School of Management researched this phenomenon and found that companies with higher employee satisfaction gain 25% higher profits and twice the innovation and customer satisfaction than companies with lower employee satisfaction.

Thus, when you transform employee experience into one that gives your employees a more meaningful relationship with your organization, it not only stops employees from job-hopping but but also increases productivity and revenue.

Repustate’s Employee experience platform allows you to capture and analyze employee feedback across all channels and data types so you get the most clarity from your EX data. Powered with capabilities such as search inside video, semantic clustering, native natural language processing, and more, Repustate’s solution turns all your employee experience analytics into powerful, actionable insights.

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